Diamonds in the Rough August 2024

Breakfast, Baseball and Building Community

School started again this week and the community is getting back into the swing of things. While hurricane season isn’t quite over yet, it has been a relatively quiet summer and there is hope that the region has come through relatively unscathed this year.

Fall is rushing up quickly which means new projects and needs for the next year. It also means the need to balance the J1Nine budget is top of mind for the board of directors. Looking ahead to decide what we hope to and can accomplish next year is exciting.

That’s where you come in!

Our annual breakfast fundraiser is coming up on October 3rd at 7:30am in Spokane, WA. We will be sharing a light breakfast and also get an update from Fondo Negro as well as from local staff. We will be raising money to support our ongoing food program, staffing needs due to a growing team, final pieces to complete the kitchen and more! 

Tickets are $10 for individuals or $70 for 8 people at a table. Buy a table and bring your friends and family who might not know about Joshua 1:Nine yet! Remember when you were in that situation and knew nothing about the organization and people of Fondo Negro? Don’t let others stay in that boat. We need you to help spread the word!

Click below to get signed up and see you on the 3rd!

Come learn more about these kids and support the mission!


Do you want to see what’s going on with your own eyes? We are taking groups to spend a week with the kids in the DR! If this sounds like something which you are interested in being a part, let us know by clicking the link above to send an email and we’ll get you more information!

As always, we are thankful for you, our supporters. We pray you are happy, healthy and know the peace that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. He’s got all of us in his hand, here and abroad, and for that we are forever thankful. Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support!

With deepest gratitude from the guys.