Fondo Negro Updates

Summer vacation is in full swing in Fondo Negro! This means extra hours at the field and more days at the river hanging out with friends. Temperatures hover around 90 degrees and the humidity increases as the island pushes through its rainy season. There have been rainouts at the field and the first threat from a hurricane (no damage done!) for the season. So far, all is good and the mosquitos are living their best lives!

Being part of a family near and far means celebrating with them when things go well and grieving with them when things are difficult. Three weeks ago Coach Robert and cook Bella Nira’s family experienced a tragedy when there oldest son passed away. Earlier in the year, we grieved alongside Coach Chico and Coach Ariel as they grieved the loss of their mom Danila. Life is full of good and also difficult things and it is an honor to continue to support the community of Fondo Negro as they move through both types of experiences. We ask that you join us in praying for both families as they move forward in a new normal without these very important people.

Come learn more about these kids and support the mission!
Did you learn about the kids at the breakfast and now you want to see what’s going on with your own eyes? We are taking groups to spend a week with the kids in the DR! If this sounds like something which you are interested in being part, let us know by clicking the link above to send an email and we’ll get you more information!

As always, we are thankful for you, our supporters. We pray you are happy, healthy and know the peace that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. He’s got all of us in his hand, here and abroad, and for that we are forever thankful. Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support!
With deepest gratitude from the guys.