Diamonds in the Rough June 2024

Six Months of Success

This year so far has seen an Impact Trip with 110 dental exams, over 700 books given to the kids in the community, six weeks of service from our amazing volunteer Priscilla who supported the teachers in Fondo Negro with new tools for teaching literacy and an expansion of our meal program from one night a week to two.

As you can see in the above picture which was sent just yesterday by Coach Melbin, there are a lot of kids in the program. The kitchen we built last year has been in full use. The program has steadily grown from kids in the community as well as outside. We have historically hovered around 135 kids but recently we have consistently surpassed that by a large number. This increase has lead to a greater need for protein and we had to increase our budget for chicken by 25% to fill the nutritional needs of so many growing boys. Thankfully, because of generous supporters like you, we have the funds to increase the support and are able to do so.

The nutritional needs of the boys increase in the summer. The reason for this is the schools in the DR provide lunch to the kids during the school day. However, without the support from the schools during summer vacation some families struggle to even provide a single nutritious meal to the boys. The meal program assures that these boys, who are in their prime brain and body development years, are given at least two very nutrient filled meals each week. This also frees up resources the family might otherwise use to feed their son, allowing them to redirect those resources to feed other members of the family. 

Coming up this summer a large Impact Trip will make it’s way to Fondo Negro the end of July. This group, from St Luke Lutheran Church in Spokane, WA, will have two days of Vacation Bible School, play baseball and will build a structure at the largest school (Middle School) that will provide shade and shelter for the kids as they eat during the school day. Currently, the tables are all outside and unprotected from the weather. This project will provide dignity and protection to all of the kids while they eat or during breaks in the school day. There has been a request from the High School to have a similar project completed there and it is on the long list of items that we hope to accomplish in the future.

In addition, in the US a group is being formed to plan the next steps of our education support program. This group will begin examining needs and processes that can be put in place to support teachers and provide resources otherwise not provided by the government. Stay tuned for plans as they develop. 

Planning for our fall breakfast is underway as well. Mark October 3rd on your calendar and start asking people to join you for a morning that is sure to inspire and educate!

2024 is shaping up to be a great one!

Come learn more about these kids and support the mission!


Do you want to see what’s going on with your own eyes? We are taking groups to spend a week with the kids in the DR! If this sounds like something which you are interested in being a part, let us know by clicking the link above to send an email and we’ll get you more information!

As always, we are thankful for you, our supporters. We pray you are happy, healthy and know the peace that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. He’s got all of us in his hand, here and abroad, and for that we are forever thankful. Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support!

With deepest gratitude from the guys.