Our 4th annual fundraising breakfast is right around the corner. On October 5th at 7am at the South Hill Community Center in Spokane we will come together and raise funds for the important projects coming in 2024. Last year we raised funds and were able to build the kitchen we shared about last month. Let’s make a gift to the community again this year!
Because of all of the economic issues you are all well aware of, we have had to change the format of the breakfast a bit. The cost of food has risen exponentially and we can no longer cover the cost. Because of that this year, individual tickets will be $10 each, or you can purchase a table for $80 and find seven other people to introduce to Joshua 1:Nine and the mission! There will be a full catered breakfast at the event.
We will still have an ask at the breakfast because your ticket cost will only go to help cover expenses for the breakfast and our goal is to raise money for the kids. By helping with expenses, more of what we raise can go directly to the community!
Click the link above or below to purchase your ticket and plan to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!

An Important Travel Opportunity
One of the exciting things we are working on this year and next is to strengthen the literacy efforts in Fondo Negro. As part of that project we are providing a book to each kid in Fondo Negro! In November or December we are taking a group to deliver books, read with the kids and do other projects needed in the community. If you are interested in going on the trip please click below and send us an email for more information. It’s going to be a wonderful experience!

Come learn more about these kids and support the mission!
We are taking groups to spend a week with the kids in the DR! If this sounds like something you are for which you are interested in being part, let us know by clicking the link above, sending an email and we’ll get you more information!
As always, we are thankful for you, our supporters. We pray you are happy, healthy and know the peace that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. He’s got all of us in his hand, here and abroad, and for that we are forever thankful. Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support!
With deepest gratitude from the guys.